Hello {{First Name}},

Why does a good website matter? 

It's because we live in a day and age where buyers want information at their fingertips. They expect to find what they need, whenever they need it, online. And, they judge your value as a company by their perception of your website. 

But, that's not all. It's also about convenience. For many buyers, time supersedes other criteria as the primary reason for return visits and future purchases.  

Take stock of your website and learn how you can capitalize on these ongoing trends.  

Elevate Your Position Online - Connect With More Customers

Why Customers Want Your Website To Be Like Amazon's

Amazon influenced what consumers expect from websites. And not just the ecommerce variety but sites like yours.

And that makes an underperforming website detrimental to your business. 

Here are steps you can take to elevate your position. Click here to read more.

Marketing Automation Benefits That Turn Prospects Into Buyers

Generating more leads and increasing sales is on the wish list of every business. But elevating your lead generation efforts requires process changes to get the most out of your investment. 

Is it time to consider marketing automation? Learn how it can help you manage the complexities of timely, personalized and relevant follow-up. Click here to read more. 

When Is Your Best New Hire Not A Sales Person?

Hiring the perfect sales person. Easier said than done. Even the best organizations have horror stories of seemingly good sales hires gone bad.  Selling is tough. Prospects are hard to reach. Competition is fierce. Sales costs add up. So what's the right answer? It may not be a sales person at all.

Click here to get the answer. 

Do you need help developing and distributing content that connects with prospects and delivers more sales opportunities? Download the Content Tool Set to learn more or contact us for more information. 

John Edmundson